Author: Jennifer

Famous Traditional British Puddings

Puddings are so special to Britons that there are even many Pudding Clubs in the United Kingdom. These organizations are devoted to preserving the most traditional of all the pudding recipes in the land.   A famous old pudding is the Apple and Mincemeat Pudding. This is a sponge-based pudding filled with apples and mincemeat that is made from self-rising flour and brandy.  Everything is […]

More Famous Royally Named Foods

In Britain the name “Royal Icing” has real significance. It is the icing that was traditionally used to ice fruitcake. Fruitcake was the wedding cake of choice among all English royalty for generations.  Royal Icing is also used to ice Prince Albert Royal Cake which is a buttery vanilla raisin cake spiced with  sugar and cinnamon.  In the case of the Prince Albert cake, only […]