Author: Jennifer

Mad King George of England

King George III of Great-Britain (1738 to 1820) was a family man who had recurring bouts of mental illness. He was given a good education as a child but unable to learn. He was lethargic and incapable of concentration and would become stubborn and sullen. He also never really mastered writing. As a young man in 1759 he became obsessed with a fifteen year old […]

Famous Swords and Sceptre of the British Coronation

The British are very proud of their ceremonial swords and sceptres that are mostly used for coronations.  Many of these swords of sceptres are collected in the Tower of London or Westminster Abby.   The jewelled Sword of Offering was made in 1661 and boasts the huge Star of Africa in it’s head. The ball and cross design of the head of the scpter can […]