Author: Jennifer

Truly British Nicknames for Girls

In Britain you could have a very respectable English first name like Agatha, Bertha or Elvira but it will always be reduced to sillier, fonder kind of nickname such as Aggie, Bertie or Elvie.  Here is a look at the way the British make some of their traditional names less formal.   Abby becomes Abbie, Abby, Gail and Nabby. Adrienne, Adelina and Adele are also […]

British Nicknames for Guys

In Britain you could have a very respectable English first name like Francis, Oliver pr Mortimer but it will always be reduced to a funner, shorter side-kick kind of nickname such as Franky, Nolly or Mortie.   Here is a look at some of the most amusing nicknames that the British, in their own reductivist way have for men   Abel from the bible easily […]