Author: Jennifer

All About David Austen English Roses

English Roses are technically a type of hybrid rose that was introduced in 1969 by a rose grower named David Austin. This is a hybrid of old English roses (that were grown before 1867)  with smaller modern roses.  Therefore he began mating varieties of roses such as Hybrids, Floribundas and Grandifloras with smaller contemporary tea roses. The David Austin English rose hybrids are known for […]

Very British Sauces and Spreads

Britain is known for having some very unusual sauces and spreads that you will not really find anywhere. Some of these sauces and spreads are associated with a particular brand and others are not. One of the most famous of British spreads is Marmite. This is a dark brown savory spread that is made with by-products of the brewing industry. The British eat this spread […]