Author: Jennifer

What is British Clotted Cream?

Clotted, also known as clouted cream or Devonshire cream) is a thick yet light pudding like cream that is made by heating fatty cow’s milk with steam and then leaving it in shallow pans in a water bath to cool.  The clots are what rise to the top in this process.  The result is a delicious creamy spread that has a bit of a grainy […]

The History of Keep Calm and Carry On

The “Keep Calm and Carry On” poster is very popular today. You see it everywhere on mugs, jackets, T-shirts, luggage, stickers, fridge magnets …you name it.  This was originally a  morale-raising propaganda poster produced by the British government in1939 during the beginning of the Second World War.  It was everywhere in London and then disappeared. The poster came back into common view in 2000 and […]