Author: Jennifer

British Packaged Desserts

The British people love their sweets and their packaged desserts are some of the most unhealthy and yet tasty in the world. They tend to be packed with preservatives, coloring agents and loads of sugar!   There is a company called Aunty’s that sells packaged puddings including Sticky Toffee Pudding, Chocolate Fudge Pudding and Spotted Dick. However the sweetest of all has to be the […]

Very Popular British Chocolates

It is very common for a U.K. citizen to sit by “the telly” with a  box of chocolates. Beech’s is a popular manufacture of these boxed chocolates. Unlike selections of chocolate or variety packs, these boxes will contain chocolates that are all the same.. such as brazil nuts covered with chocolates, or coffee creams. Chocolates filled with lime cream or rose cream are also popular. […]