Author: Jennifer

British Outdoor Wear Designers With Royal Warrants

The best of the British clothing designers are also those that have royal warrants. This means that they can promote their designs to the royal family.   One of the most famous of royal warrants is to Aquascutum. It used to rain all the time in Britain, before global warming and the company, established in 1853 on Regent Street in London makes raincoats.  They are […]

Classic British Toiletries

Classic British Toiletries If you walk into a powder room or bathroom anywhere in Britain you are likely to see these quintessentially British toiletries on the shelves.  Most bathrooms have a bar of odorless glycerin based Pears transparent soap in them. Pears soap is an old UK stand-by and a superior product as well.   Wright’s coal tar soap is a common sight. It is […]