Princess Diana’s Favorite Foods

By Jennifer

It was well known that Princess Diana was always worried about her weight and in fact was even bulimic. It is no wonder that her personal chefs have revealed that her choices in foods were very low calorie and also very slimming.


Lady Diana had some very interesting but still very English eating habits. For instance, if she did have breakfast she would have beans on whole-wheat toast for breakfast. This is because there was a lot of protein and no fat in the beans.  She worked out every day in the gym to stay fat.  Sometimes, to fuel her energy for a work out in the gym she would have boiled potatoes that were sprinkled with vinegar.  Another breakfast or mid-morning snack would be yogurt and whole grain snack bars.


Diana’s favorite fruit was fresh lychees. Her private chef often served these to her when they were available.  She was also a fan of fresh juices made from fruits and vegetables including beet juice, which she drank to cleanse her liver.


Her typical food choices when it came to eating alone included stuffed eggplant, stuffed peppers, steamed trout) roasted chicken and roasted vegetables.  When she ate with her children they often ate cottage pie. This is a ground beef and vegetables topped with mashed potatoes.  The trio of Diana, William and Harry were also often filmed out eating junk food at a local McDonald’s.


One of her favorite desserts was the banana flan topped with caramelized walnuts that she often ate with her sons William and Harry. She was also very fond of amaretto-flavored bread pudding.  She also enjoyed gourmet ice creams and ices and very much enjoyed eating miniature soufflés.


Diana ate most of her meals with her staff in the kitchen. That is where she felt most comfortable. She was also known to occasionally make pasta with tomato sauce for her girlfriends.


Lady Diana was a very kind person according to Chef Daren McGrady who wrote a book about his time when he was her personal chef.  During that time, from 1993 to 1997 he was all too familiar with her divorce and problems with the paparazzi and she would hide in the kitchen from the help.


The very last meal that the princess enjoyed before she was killed in a terrible car accident in Paris was at the Ritz Carlton Hotel. It consisted of an asparagus and mushroom omelets followed by Dover sole with vegetables tempura.