The Somerset Meadow
One of the natural gardens is in Somerset in Britain and it is called The Field of Dreams. This is a wide meadow that looks almost exactly like a Monet painting it is studded with blossoms every spring with each being representative of a different wildflower. The place is so beautiful that it moves many people to tears. It is a very peaceful place.
The garden was planted by Brain and Denise Herrick and was inspired by visits to Kew Gardens, Table Mountain National Park and Kirstenbosch Gardens in South Africa.
Most of the flowers are quite tiny and they come in every hue. In the red category there is the Scarlet Flax with it’s round petals and spiky center, the Mountain Garland that looks like miniature scarlet velvet tuberoses and bright tomato red colored poppies with very thin leafless wirey stems.
Yellow flowers varieties in the field include the bushy golden colored California goldfields, large daisy like Calendulas (from which chamomile tea is made) and Prairie Coneflowers which have green protrubances in the center and oblong shaped bright yellow petals draping down.
Pink wild flower blooms also abound in this heavenly haven for blossoms including the bright pink Corcockle that has black streaks from its center on the blossom, the faded streaky pink of the Rose Mallow.
Among the blue flowers in the garden are Baby Blue Eyes which have heart shaped petals, Viper’s Bugloss which look like upright paper cones and clustered pale Blue Flax. In a way, England is one of those countries where you will see more tiny blue colored flowers than most. There are Blue Field Gilia that have very blossoms made out of pale blue rolled up tubular petals and the very unusual Wild Bird which has a yellow center and twelve large silky petals.
Unusual blooms include the Indian blanket, which has a crimson center with pink and yellow tipped petals, Oregano that is a little tufted bush of tiny fleshy blossoms and the Catch-fly, which is a purple veined white flower with a vessel style base and a burst of petals at the blossom tip. There is also the Scabius, which has a big cluster pale violet ribbon type petals that look almost like ruffled up toilet paper. There is also the Dwarf Everlasting Flower that also looks like a lotus. These English lotuses are perfect in a garden meant for meditation.